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Shopify Pricing

Pricing for Product Finder is based on completions. A completion is a complete run through the quiz. Completions are counted at most once during a user's visit to the quiz page in your shop. So if a user does multiple runs through the quiz during one visit, only one completion is counted.

All plans include all features of the app.

Choosing a plan

In the bottom left corner of the admin app you will see which plan you are on. Click on the plan link and the billing dialogue will open:

In the billing dialogue you will see how many completions you have used in the current billing cycle (Note: If you changed the plan during the cycle the count is reset). At the end of your free trial you should use the completion count to estimate which plan is the right one for you.

Follow these steps to choose a plan:

  1. Use the slider to choose a plan
  2. Click Subscribe
  3. Approve the subscription

Upgrading or downgrading a plan

You are free to change the plan at any time if your page traffic increases or decreases. Changing your plan will take immediate effect and pricing will be calculated proportionally to the time you spent in different plans at the end of your biling cycle.

Example: You spend 10 days in a plan that costs 22$ and then 20 days in a plan that costs 9$. At the end of the 30 day billing cycle you will then be charged: (22$ x 1/3) + (9$ x 2/3) = 13.3$