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How do I configure a quiz?

Follow or getting started instructions for a quick start or go to quiz configuration for more detailed instructions.

How do I embed a quiz into my online shop?

Follow our integration instructions here.

Why are some answers disabled in my quiz?

If an answer does not lead to any products it is disabled (not clickable) in the quiz (or hidden if "Hide answers" is active in settings). There are two options to change this:

  1. Set the corresponding question to "Vote" in the question table, so that the answers don't act as filters.
  2. Add more products to the collections or tags of the disabled answers.

Which products are synced?

Only products with the status "published" are synchronized. This prevents unpublished products from accidentally appearing in the recommendations.

How often are products synced?

The products of your store are synchronized every 4 hours. However, you can also trigger the synchronization manually by clicking the "Products synchronized" link in the bottom right corner of the app.

Can the search queries on which an answer is based be edited?

Yes, the search queries can be edited. However, this is an advanced feature and you should know what you are doing. Please read carefully first which search syntax is supported and what works and what does not.

Can conversions resulting from the use of the product quiz be tracked?

Yes, conversion tracking is available for Shopify and other platforms. If you are interested in conversion tracking for Shopify, please see the instructions for Shopify.